
Leave blank for all. Otherwise, the first selected term will be the default instead of "Any".
Оригинал Локализация Теги Сет Колода
Air-Cooled С Поддувом Усилитель Шмотки Cheat With Both Hands Treasure
Armor-Piercing Бронебойный Усилитель Шмотки Cheat With Both Hands Treasure
Extra-Loud Сверхгромкий Усилитель Шмотки Cheat With Both Hands Treasure
Gold-Plated Позолоченое Усилитель Шмотки Cheat With Both Hands Treasure
Reinforced Упрочненный Усилитель Шмотки Cheat With Both Hands Treasure
Self-Cleaning Самочистящийся Усилитель Шмотки Cheat With Both Hands Treasure
Bowie Knife 1 Рука, Шмотка The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Branding Iron 1 Рука, Шмотка The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Bullwhip 1 Рука, Шмотка The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Derringer 1 Рука, Шмотка The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Dude Wrench 1 Рука, Шмотка The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Lasso 1 Рука, Шмотка The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Little Big Horn 1 Рука, Шмотка The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Secret Recipe Chili 1 Рука, Шмотка The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Seven-Gun 1 Рука, Шмотка The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Six-Gun 1 Рука, Шмотка The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Straight Razor 1 Рука, Шмотка The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Tomahawk 1 Рука, Шмотка The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Blunderbuss 2 Руки, Шмотка The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Bow 2 Руки, Шмотка The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Shotgun 2 Руки, Шмотка The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Civil War Cannon 2 Руки, Шмотка, Большая The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Gatling Gun 2 Руки, Шмотка, Большая The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Buckaroo 2 Уровня, Монстр The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Door
Grizzly Bear 2 Уровня, Монстр The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Door
Thunderbird 2 Уровня, Монстр The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Door
The Grim Roper 2 Уровня, Смерть, Андед, Монстр The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Door
Daniel Boom 2 Уровня, Смерть, Монстр The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Door
Judge Lynch 2 Уровня, Смерть, Монстр The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Door
Beat A Dead Horse GUAL The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Eat What You Kill GUAL The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Exterminate A Bison Herd GUAL The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Get A Long Little Doggie GUAL The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Get New Indian Name GUAL The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Ride Into The Sunset GUAL The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Shoot The Piano Player GUAL The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
The Annual Bath GUAL The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Win The Rodeo GUAL The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Yee-HAW! GUAL The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Treasure
Ghost Rider Андед, Монстр The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Door
